Envrionmental Data

Data archive of  environmental data and Lightcurves of selected Fraquencies at Bleien Observatory (RSG).
The directories from 1998 to March 2009 contain daily plots from the Phoenix-2 instrument. 
From May 2009 The directories contain daily plots and environmental data from the Phoenix-3 (5m), Phoenix-4 (7m) and CALLISTO spectrometers.
Every directory contains the following plots:

Environmental data and lightcurves of Phoenix-3, Phoenix-4 and CALLISTOS
Filename DescriptionData Origin
LightcurvesPh4_LHCP_YYYYMMDD.png           Lightcurves of selected channels Phoenix-4, LHCP.LCYYYYMMDD_SFU_LHCP.txt
LightcurvesPh4_RHCP_YYYYMMDD.png Lightcurves of selected channels Phoenix-4, RHCP.LCYYYYMMDD_SFU_RHCP.txt
LightcurvesLogPer5m_YYYYMMDD.png Lightcurves of selected channels LogPer @ 5m.LCYYYYMMDD_ADU_LogPer5m.txt
LightcurvesBicone_YYYYMMDD.png Lightcurves of selected channels Bicone antenna on rooftop.LCYYYYMMDD_ADU_Bicone.txt
AntposXm_YYYYMMDD.png Antenna position 7m/5m antenna (Phoenix-4/3).coordXmYYYYMMDD.txt
TpreampXm_YYYYMMDD.png Preamplifier temperature inside  Phoenix-4/3 FPUfpuXmlogYYYYMMDD.txt
TnoiseXm_YYYYMMDD.png Noise Source temperature Phoenix-4/3 FPU.fpuXmlogYYYYMMDD.txt
TpsuXm_YYYYMMDD.png Power Supply temperature Phoenix-4/3 FPU.fpuXmlogYYYYMMDD.txt
RHfpuXm_YYYYMMDD.png Relative humidity inside Phoenix-4/3 FPU. fpuXmlogYYYYMMDD.txt
TambientXm_YYYYMMDD.png Tempearture outside Phoenix-4/3 FPU.fpuXmlogYYYYMMDD.txt
VoltagesXm_YYYYMMDD.png Voltages of Phoenix-4/3 Focal Plane Unit.fpuXmlogYYYYMMDD.txt
T7m_YYYYMMDD.png Temperature of spectrometer Phoenix-4fpu7mlogYYYYMMDD.txt
RH7m_YYYYMMDD.png Relative humidity of spectrometer Phoenix-4fpu7mlogYYYYMMDD.txt

Environmental data in and outside Observatory
Filename DescriptionData Origin
Tshackrsg_YYYYMMDD.png Temperature inside Bleien observatory.rsghygroclip_YYYYMMDD.txt
RHshackrsg_YYYYMMDD.png Relative humidity inside Bleien observatory.rsghygroclip_YYYYMMDD.txt
Toutsidersg_YYYYMMDD.png Temperature outside Bleien observatory.outhygroclip_YYYYMMDD.txt
RHoutsidersg_YYYYMMDD.png                          Relative humidity outside Bleien observatory.                       outhygroclip_YYYYMMDD.txt
Windspeed_YYYYMMDD.png Windspeed in Bleien.windlog_YYYYMMDD.txt
Winddir_YYYYMMDD.png Winddirection in Bleien.windlog_YYYYMMDD.txt
Rainacc_YYYYMMDD.png Rainfall accumulated in Bleien.rainlog_YYYYMMDD.txt
Rainhour_YYYYMMDD.png Rainfall per hour in Bleien.rainlog_YYYYMMDD.txt

Phoenix-2 Plots

The directories from 1998 to March 2009 contain daily plots from the Phoenix-2 instrument.
Beside the solar radio spectra, Phoenix-2 records some environmental data. Every directory contains the following plots:

Filename Description
humidity_fopa.gif Humidity in the focus pack.
humidity_power.gif Humidity at power supply of the focus pack. Deactivated on 2000/10/16
measure_dccalib.gif T0 at a test frequency in ADC units.
measure_online.gif Antenna temperature at a test frequency in ADC units.
temp_ambient.gif Ambient temperature at Bleien in degrees Kelvin.
temp_noise_source.gif Temperature in the focus pack in degrees Kelvin. Deactivated on 2000/10/16
temp_preamp.gif Temperature of the preamplifier in the focus pack in degrees Kelvin. Since 2000/10/16
wind_speed.gif Wind speed at Bleien in m/s.